I´m carrying a lot of the responsibility right now since I´m leading the area and Hermana Glunt´s spanish is limited. Hermana Orellana used to be my faithful back-up when I didn´t understand something that someone said or when I didn´t explain something correctly in a lesson, but now it´s on me and I have relied on THE SPIRIT more than I ever have in my life. My prayers are approximately 100 times longer than before I started training, seriously. I need the Spirit to guide me right now to know how to respond to investigators, make decisions over the area, etc. For example, on Monday night when I texted Ana Troncos to confirm our appt the next day she responded that she´d be there but that she wasn´t feeling prepared for baptism and she wanted to talk about it the next day. For a moment there I thought I can´t do this. Hermana Orellana wasn´t there to consult or talk about what we should do and what we should teach. I prayed and prayed and fervently pondered what we should do. In companionship study the next day as I explained my tentative plan to Hna Glunt, she listened and then suggested a scripture to share with Ana (I forgot to write down the reference) and I was like WOW. That´s perfect. The lesson ended up going so well as we explained the principle of faith and the covenant of baptism. She accepted a baptismal date for the 31st of October! I was so grateful for Hermana Glunt and the Spirit guiding us that day. Hna Glunt is a rockstar - she´s so determined and even with limited Spanish she is a stellar missionary!
The Spirit has gotten me through this week. It´s been moments like when a new investigator was expressing to us his lack of faith and trials within his family with tears in his eyes when I just prayed and confided in the spirit to know what to say and Enos chapter 1 came to mind. I shared it and watched his face change as he read that Enos´ sins were completely forgiven as he prayed fervently to The Lord. Those moments were completely the Spirit. Not me.
Logistically it was a tiring week with phone calls and filling out registros on my own since Hermana Glunt is new to the area/mission, but I was also so happy this week and a lot of it is because she is so fantastic! Any traces of homesicknesses have disappeared because we can talk and laugh about pre-mission things and we have had the funniest adventures like getting scared to death at night by dogs in our area and discovering PINKBERRY froyo in Piura!! :) She is so good at just loving people and I´ve already learned so much from her!
We found TEN new investigators this week if you can believe that. Seriously everyone was letting us in their door. This week will be the test to see how many of them progress! Random side note: People are generally super respectful of our religion here but this week this dude in the street asked us if we were Joseph Smith´s daughters....umm no. We got out of that situation pretty quick.
Okay and the most RANDOM things happened this week:
Tuesday night Elder Yujra called and said that the next day I was headed to LIMA??? At first I was ticked because our plans for the next day were down the drain but it turned out great because I got to talk to Hna Sepulveda for HOURS on the plane and in the lines at immigrations and we had a hard-core reflection over our lives these past 3 months in the field. And now we´re legal in Peru so that´s good I guess!
Okay so we were sitting in district mtg yesterday waiting for the Elders to get there and guess who walks in the door?? ELDER O´BRIEN. Like what?? One year ago we were on splits with the missinoaries in the DR and now we´re in the same DISTRICT!!! How crazy is that? It was his 2nd day in the field and he seems happy and ready to work!
This ¨smoke squad¨ came to neighborhood on Friday and we all had to evacuate while they sprayed this nasty chemical/smoke stuff everywhere. Apparently it´s supposed to prevent mosquitoes during El Nino when the mosquitoes are suppposed to get super bad?? They came this morning too, and Thursday.
We saw the Lunar Eclipse last night and it was so legit!
Also we had 4 investigators at church!
Overall, super great week. I´m super tired but super happy and so grateful to be here and to have such an awesome companion!
Alma 26: 11-12 basically wraps it all up! I have never felt so loved and guided by my Heavenly Father. Through Him, I can do all things.
Love you all!